Monday, November 9, 2009

Great words

We try not to reinforce improper pronunciations with Quinn's expanding vocabulary, but some of them are pretty priceless. Now and then when he falls or drops something, he'll come out with "Oops day see" (oopsy-daisy). His word for "front loader" is "fyonto yodo" which took some fine detective work by Bec to figure out. "Tractor" comes out as "cock-so" clear as a bell, which is a little hard to fathom, and further complicated by the fact that he uses the same word for "cracker". A firetruck is a "wee-ahh", after the siren sound it makes. A train is a "tugga-tugga" (chugga chugga). "Buhh dozz" (bulldozer) was one of his first real words. "Fahdown" (fall down) is a heavily used expression by our little gravity-checker.

Even better - he's started into the hushed self-monologues as he plays. If you listen closely you hear him say things like "fyonto yodo fahdown go boom oop day see" and then the front loader crashes onto the floor. All the words he's learned to understand these last few months are now just pouring out of him. A chatterbox, he now is.

Big Hugs

Quinn's been sick recently. Just regular sick, which is a relief in these H1N1 times (a couple nervous days were had...). He's had a very runny nose, and we constantly had to wipe his nose to keep puddles from forming on the floor. His nose and upper lip got quite sore and Bec would put cream on it to try to make it better. Well Quinn didn't think much of that idea. "Owwie Nose!" he'd shriek and flail left and right. But mommy always achieved her mission, as mommies always do.

But then Quinn came up with a very clever defence. "Big Hug" he'd wail and throw his arms around his mommy's neck. Well of course this would melt mommies heart and they'd hug for a moment. "Big hug" he'd plead and hang on for dear life. After awhile it became clear that this was as much evasive as emoting. I said "I think somebody's a sneaky hugger" and honest to god he got a twinkle in his eye!

In spite of his boxer's clinch, mommy still always achieved her mission, as mommies always do, but the defensive tactics are already evolving lickity-split. We're going to have to work at it to stay ahead of this kid I think.

Quinn and his gang

For months we tried to get Quinn attached to a stuffed animal that might get him through the night without the aid of mommy or daddy. For months we tried in vain. The teddy bear his great uncle Dave bought him through an exception in the "no stuffed animals - we've got too many already" rule; the fox that gramma bought him through another exception in the "no stuffed animals - we've got too many already" rule;any one of the 45 stuffed animals that led to the "no stuffed animals - we've got too many already" rule. To no avail.

Suddenly Quinn developed an attachment to four of them at once. Foxy, Owl, Hippo and Puppydog are all required attendees at bedtime now. He'll call them by name and stack them around or underneath himself causing seemingly uncomfortable contortions. Sometimes he'll lose track of one and while lying on his back, he'll hold up a hand and say "Ow ull" until you retrieve the fugitive furriness.

Whatever gets him through the night. Sleep's going much better these days.