In the middle of October I joined Weight Watchers Online in the hope of losing 20 lbs. I finally gave up deluding myself that my activity level was going to increase and began to tackle the problem from the consumption end.
WW works on a points-based system, where each food has a point value based on the portion size and the calories/fat/fibre of the food. You get an allotment of points per day, based on your gender/age/current weight, plus some points to use throughout the week however you see fit. You can earn daily points through activity. You track your weight (weekly) and food consumption (daily) via an online tool. I'm not into touchy-feely meetings, and the website has some great tips, science background, meal ideas and some nifty spreadsheets to entertain engineering geeks such as me. The interface could be a little slow and clumsy at times but overall it was pretty good, and the premises & content seemed unquestionably solid to me.
Today I achieved my target weight, after 3 months. I have learned a lot in the process, such as:
- I ate too much cheese; I drank too much fruit juice;
- Drink water instead of milk or juice with a meal;
- Earn a splurge meal with a little activity;
- Portion control is key;
- Eat snacks with staying power to avoid hunger;
- Read labels to make smarter choices at the grocery store - calories, fat and fibre are key for weight loss;
- Your favourites don't have to be sinful if you are careful - have your favourites but smaller portions;
- Establish better favourites - I love cookies but found some chocolate covered graham cookies and ginger cookies that are good without being bad for me;
- Substituting within favourites - homemade chocolate chip cookies made with margarine instead of butter still taste great for less fat (doesn't work for everything but worth experimenting)
- Whole wheat = good; white wheat = bad;
- Keep healthy staple snacks on hand (hummus or salsa are my new favourites)
- Eating out is a minefield but can be done: avoid cream sauces, alfredos and other heavy sauces; avoid spring rolls & anything deep-fried; take half the order home with you; share appetizers & desserts (or skip them); stick with the water; don't overdo (or do at all) the buffet;
- Research chain restaurants for healthy options ahead of time - Quizno's Honey Bourbon Chicken is my staple there; Extreme Pita has many healthy choices;
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