Quinn is beginning to utter some syllables. 'Ga' seems quite prominent. Also 'ah'. He can raise his head up and look around some when you're holding him on your chest, and he makes these little "I'm working really hard" grunts while doing so. He occasionally makes these snorts that make both Bec & I laugh.
He makes hand motions in his wiggly spells that we refer to as "He shoots, he scores", "All my people", and "Cleared for takeoff". He smiles occasionally and it doesn't always appear to be directly tied to expulsion-related activities. He occasionally will flex his legs in a standing sort of standing motion and push himself upwards, but it's looking obviously accidental. He wiggles to a degree where you need to be sure you've got a good hold of him when you pick him up.
It's so amazing to watch him in his quiet alert times. He appears to be able to focus on objects about 6 or 8 feet away which is farther than I would have guessed. He follows a finger moving in front of him a little, but when you're swaying him back and forth while he's focused on a distant object you can see his eyes tracking back and forth in time with the swaying. He has a particular penchant for a Sens playoffs red pompom in the front hall.
He's on track to burp the alphabet before he starts school. He's an excellent eater and pooper. Also doing well with the peeing. A little too well actually, getting his clothes, the furniture, the walls, as well as innocent bystanders with alarming regularity. He has so far managed to stay one step ahead of his parents' defensive tactics, causing some frantic machinations that wouldn't look out of place on a Mr. Bean episode. All in all he doesn't cry that much. We're working at the sleeping thing, which seems to be the biggest impediment to real life, to no one's surprise.
All in all, we count ourselves very Lucky. It's a new battle every day though, and being the witching hour, it's time to prepare for tomorrow, or tonight, as the case may be.
The Dark Side of Perfectionism
10 years ago
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