Quinn smiles at people a lot, which I am somehow immensely proud of. I think perhaps it's because I didn't really learn how to do it til recently. It's as if he has learned that the first thing you do when somebody greets you is give them a big smile. I can't think of a better first thing to teach a kid :) When I'm out walking with him I walk very slowly, as opposed to all the charging around I used to do. I look around and notice things a lot more, including other people. Since Quinn was born I have been focusing on smiling more because I want him to do the same. The smiling and the slower pace, combined with carrying a very cute baby, means people smile back at me a lot more.
I was doing some housework tonight, both because it was time and because Bec's having a mommy-party tomorrow. Quinn was completely fascinated by it, watching completely agog. He is so interactive now, able to hold himself up and turn his head look around at things, rather than merely observing whatever he's pointed at. We're also able to carry him facing out sometimes so he can observe the world, which he loves.
I feel a lot more attached to him this past week or so. He really loves face time and laughs a lot. While he's still very much attached to his mom, it seems like the past week or so he's begun to branch out and figure out who this other guy is who seems to be around more than most people.
Life is good.
The Dark Side of Perfectionism
10 years ago
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