Quinn had a mysterious fever for three days. He was miserable at times, but it seems to have subsided now. Oddly, there were no other symptoms. Now he has a red rash on his face, which could be related - Bec discovered some viral thing it might be, but it's nothing to worry about either.
During one of those miserable days, Quinn woke about 10pm absolutely shrieking. It might have been the wind - 60km/h gusting to 90 - or it might of been the illness, who knows. Whatever the case, he was inconsolable. After quite awhile of this I went in to see if I could help. Bec was cradling Quinn in her arms in the chair and it was having absolutely no effect. I remembered the skin-contact theory from his younger days, which had been effective then. Bec tried it and he began to settle some, but he was clearly still miserable and clingy. We decided to take him to bed with us.
All went pretty well for awhile. With some singing he got to sleep in his now-strange confines of our bed. He slept quite well for several hours. I did too, in spite of the fact that I remember him roaming around until he was pointed south on the bed, and he curled up so his head was resting on my stomach. I remember thinking that that should probably be uncomfortable, but then I apparently fell asleep again. A little later in the night he got quite restless and was roaming around, flailing his arms, and rotating, all while asleep. I think Bec took the brunt of it since I don't recall waking much.
Who knows what caused it? Maybe he sensed our consternation at Bec considering a job opportunity? Or maybe it was just The Crud. Whatever it was, I hope it's gone. Snuggling with Quinn is nice but I don't want to have to wear my hockey gear to bed.
The Dark Side of Perfectionism
10 years ago
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