Quinn saw me peeing just before his bath tonight. He then wanted to sit on the potty himself. Bec started to strip him down to do so, but upon encountering poopiness had to abort and retreat to the changetable. After that was taken care of Quinn came back into the bathroom and *still* wanted back on the potty, but this time the big potty. I started to say no and steer him toward the little potty, not wanting him to get freaked out by the prospect of falling into the big potty. But Bec plunked him right on the big potty and he seemed totally at home up there (with Bec holding him the whole time of course). We praised him and told him how high up he was. He sat there for a couple minutes, and when Bec picked him up there was evidence he'd actually peed!
I have to say I don't find diapers so bad in general. The whole potty learning phase sounds like it has more potential disgustingness but the books say we're at the right age to start it (too young - not ready; too old - ingrained in a pattern; now = the right time). When you break it down, it's a difficult thing to teach, really - the idea of a "full feeling", and particularly sensing that feeling in advance of the event. He seems to get it, and he seems keen. Hopefully it'll be a natural transition. Wish us luck!
The Dark Side of Perfectionism
10 years ago
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