Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I think we can declare that Quinn took his first official steps tonight! More specifically, he was walk-walk-walk-walking - it was four steps from the fridge to mommy, who was holding the highly motivating Red Serving Spoon. We think it is what he's been screaming for for three days whenever he's in the kitchen. Yes, anyway, 4 whole steps! A new World Record for Poopsie-Stepping! Pretty steady too.

I have to say, the whole transition to walking thing isn't as sharp a transition as I'd imagined. He's been standing steadily for small periods of time for quite awhile now. He's even taken a step or two on a number of occasions but it's not like he just got up and walked across the room one day. I don't know why I pictured it that way - it doesn't really make sense.

This will open up a whole new realm of things he's not supposed to get into, which will be quite exciting for Quinn. Like his father (in spite of best intentions), it seems he only focuses on the things he doesn't have rather than the things he does. I suppose our questing leads to new things even if it doesn't result in the sought thing. Sometimes this striving is hard to understand but it's amazing to watch the natural, innate striving and pride of learning as Quinn achieves new masteries.