Sunday, June 26, 2011

Big Boy Bed A Rousing Success

Quinn helped build his new big boy bed yesterday. As we were putting the sheets on the mattress he was impatient to try it out. "Is it ready yet? Is it ready yet?" He immediately snuggled into his bed as soon as it was ready. We webcammed briefly with Nana to show her her Quilt Full Of Love deployed.

He has seemed very matter-of-fact about his new bed. He hasn't been nervous or excited. During his brief afternoon test drive he was keen to try it out, and he spent awhile in it, but he wasn't jumping up and down either.

At bedtime, he went to bed completely normally, pretty much as if nothing was different. We recently started taking Quinn for a pee when we go to bed to get him though the night (improved sleeps for all!) and when Bec went in this night we had a laugh, as Quinn was sprawled exactly sideways half way down the bed on top of the bedclothes. Through the night, he fell out once (we don't have a side-bar yet) although he was very dopey at the time, and had no recollection of it in the morning.

At 815am, I awoke refreshed (an unusual sensation for me...). Quinn was still sleeping, a solid hour past a normal big sleep-in (my day to get up.....yessssss!!!). I peeked in to make sure he was still in there - he was - and then awaited his awakening (another unusual sensation). He woke up at 830am chirping like a little bird and has been in a great mood all morning.

It seems the new bed is a 'rousing' success.