Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Troubadour Quinn

As we speak, Quinn is running around in circles banging a tambourine yelling Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer at the top of his lungs while his piano repeats Jingle Bells at top volume. It's a good thing there's a high cute factor. He just wowed Brent The Electrician with an impressive rendition of The Wheels On The Bus. Oh - now he's onto Jingle Bells, albeit at a different rate than the piano. I'm getting heck for not playing my tambourine part right so now I'm resorting to 1-hnded hunt n pecking while I also play out of time...

It brings me back to Santa at the community centre. Quinn had studied the pianist's kazoo accompanist during the caroling. After the event was largely finished he wandered up to look at the kazoo. He got permission to try it. He blew and blew and blew harder. I told him to say the letter 'm' with a big finish. Quinn: blow. Mommy: 'Mmmmmm'. Quinn: blow. Daddy: 'Mmmmm'. Quinn: Blowmm. Eye twinkle. Daddy: "Yeah that's it". Quinn: MMMzzzz. Grin! And a kazoo star is born. He played it for 20 minutes solid, traipsing around the centre very earnestly, causing mirth for all. Now, I'm not sayin' I'm anxious to listen to it in the car all the way to Nova Scotia, but he did quite a fine job of it.

Reminds me a joke I once heard: "Zamfir, suppose I took up the pan flute at 7, how long would it take me to master it? Zamfir: Oh about 7:15.

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