Monday, January 21, 2008

Teddy Bear

Every kid needs a teddy bear. We have about 18 board feet of stuffed animals on a shelf that goes around the ceiling line of Lucky's room, but this one was special - my Uncle had given us a sponsorship and instructed us to buy a teddy bear for our son. Here was an opportunity to buy something fun for Lucky, rather than just more diapers!

With that in mind, we came across the Build-A-Bear Workshop, a store that sells custom teddy bears. We picked out a traditional looking bear with a soft material for the outer skin. We then took it to a machine in the back where it gets filled. We each made a wish and kissed the heart, which was then sewed into the bear. They even put it in a box that looks like a house. Quite an experience! Thanks Uncle Dave - I'm sure Lucky will appreciate this bear for years to come.

1 comment:

JanM said...

It's interesting - the firewall at work will allow the text, but not the photos, from blogs and various sites. So when I get home, I have to remember to check out the photos.
Anyway, Emily and I discovered Build-a-Bear at the D'mouth Shopping Centre, and it is now on her to-visit list when she manages to get to the mall with her friends (makes her sound like a Valley-grl or something!)
Anyway, no doubt this bear, with all the extra love built in, will become a lifelong favourite for Quinn!