Thursday, November 20, 2008

He's got a point there

Quinn has started pointing at things. He's sort of been able to follow where we're pointing for a while now, but today is the first time I saw him point at something. This is a quantum leap forward in his ability to communicate, since he's able to point at things he's interested in, and we can name them and take him over to see what he's looking at.

It brings up a curious aspect of human nature - the desire to share something one is interested in with another person. I wonder why that is, exactly? I guess from an evolutionary point of view it helps to point out danger or food, but there seems to be a happiness angle associated with it that transcends those reasons. At its best it results in idea sharing and mind expansion; at its worst it leads to foisting one's ideas on others.

I should be careful with my pointing. He's got a point there.

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