Saturday, December 20, 2008

First wave

Every night at bedtime, just before Bec nurses him, I wave goodnight through the doorway. Last night for the first time Quinn waved back. It was a backwards wave, so the hand action he sees when he waves is the same as when people wave to him. He definitely gets 'bye bye' in that context. Now we'll extend it to other situations.

He is also developing other situational awareness. Like the impending end of bathtime for instance. He shrieks as if saying "Run away, run away!" and crawls like mad to the other end of the bathtub. He arches his back and shrieks some more as we pick him up. Not the most endearing behaviour, but he certainly loves his bathtime.

He's beginning to cruise ever so slightly while standing alongside furniture. Bec also found him standing on the first stair the other day too. He's developing so fast. I'd heard it was a blazing pace of development at this stage but it is truly amazing to watch.

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