Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Toys Daddy Loves too

Quinn got some great toys for Christmas. Toys that daddy loves too : a great big dump truck and beginner lego; a wooden train set complete with an intersecting road with railway crossing and train bridge (I've finally learned how to put it all together - in spite of Quinn tearing it apart as fast as I can assemble it); some great books; a wack-a-ball toy - complete with an extended lesson from Aunt Caitlin on how to properly whack the heck out of the balls (he's picking it up quite well she'll be pleased to know - his relatively quiet and reserved parents lack the requisite whacking panache...).

He also got a xylophone that's actually properly tuned, which I'm very excited about. Perhaps unreasonably excited. We have another xylophone that's tuned to three consecutive minor thirds and two augmented fourths. Who does that?? It sounds absolutely satanic. Anyway, the new one is metal and sounds quite nice, and has the notes C through A in the C major scale. It comes complete with some song sheets for a few songs that can be played with those notes. As a bonus it floats, so it can be used in the bath. However, he's still scratching his head over the bathtub book he got, and I'm a little concerned we're going to find his whole library shrivelled up in the tub one day, but I'm sure with some careful coaching all will be ok.

Very generous and thoughtful gifts, all. He still gets a kick out of his spatula and a stick though, which I can't say I'm entirely disappointed about in this materialistic age. More careful coaching in store.

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