Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Daddy! Mommy!

Quinn now says "daddy" and "mommy" in context and usually with great aplomb. And often to great effect too. The other morning I stumbled out of bed in the morning (of course long after Bec & Quinn had gotten up) and as I passed by his open door he says "Daddy!" and holds up a book. How could I refuse that? We sat and read books for half an hour. When I get home from work now I usually get an emphatic "daddy" too, which brightens my day. If Dale Carnegie thinks calling people by their name is a powerful tool in connecting with people, then I think a son calling his daddy or mommy is that times 10.

It also serves him well as a get-out-of-jail-free card when he's pushed his mother to the edge. Bec calls it the "I smile for you" approach that she apparently employed to great effect when she was a kid. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess :) So far I'm liking these apples though, I hafta say.

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