Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Good clean fun, mostly

Quinn and I were playing space lego, his new favourite thing.  He was bouncing around like he always does when he has to pee.  I figured he's big enough that he should be able to go to the bathroom when he needs to.  He always seems so put out when you ask him if he needs to pee.  While he has been capable of going to the bathroom on his own for quite awhile now, it's only recently that he has chosen to do so again (with a little prodding).  Finally he stated, unprompted, that he really needed to pee.  Off he went.  It was quiet for a time.  Then I hear "I think I need new underwear".  Then, "I think I need new shorts too".  Followed by "I think some went on the floor".  And at last by "actually I think it's a lot on the floor".  Off Quinn went to get clean clothes.  Off I went to get clean floors.  It was a sizeable puddle.  It's very unusual for Quinn to have an accident - in fact it's the first one since he toilet trained as far as I know.  I gently suggested to Quinn that perhaps the next time he doesn't need to wait until it's an emergency before going to the bathroom.  He agreed.  Hopefully it's a life lesson learned.  A now we have a clean spot on our bathroom floor.

Then it was bathtime.  Rilla and Quinn were going to have a bath together.  Bec decided to weigh herself with Rilla to get a weight for her.  Surely it can't hurt to take an extra minute Bec thought.  Rilla peed.  Rilla peed a lot.  Mommy needed a new shirt.  Mommy needed new pajama bottoms.  Some went on the floor.  Actually a lot went on the floor.  How can such a small girl hold so much pee?  Some went on the sink, the scales and various other places.  Mommy, accustomed to bodily fluids, continued with the bath.  Off I went to get clean floors.  Again.  Now we have two clean spots on the bathroom floor.

Quinn and Rilla had a blast in the bath.  Rilla really seems to like it.  Quinn squirted her in the belly.  Mommy and Rilla squirted Quinn back.  The first couple of baths Rilla squawked briefly upon getting out, but now she doesn't even do that.  Mommy got some dry clothes, and I admired the floors.

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