Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mr. Grabby Hands

The golden era of placid diaper changes is now officially over. For a couple weeks or more now Quinn has been grabbing onto things, which is especially tricky when changing his diaper. The other day he grabbed the peepee teepee and flung it away and proceeded to pee all over the place before I could replace it. He grabs his diaper, he grabs my robe/clothes, he grabs the hair on my arm, he grabs basically anything nearby. Other moms tell Bec that soon he'll be grabbing his peepee during the diaper change.

Oh well, I guess it's a good thing. It's pretty neat to watch him purposely grab onto something and do something with it, which is usually to put it into his mouth, or try to. He has entered the era where he's trying to do stuff rather than just have stuff happen. I suppose that will have its upsides and downsides over the next 20 years but it's a good thing in the long run, right? :)

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