Monday, December 15, 2008


Quinn waves his hands along with music and singing now, like he's conducting. I'm not just sure where that comes from as it's not something he sees us do. It must be a natural thing I guess. He also taps in time with music on occasion. It's difficult to say whether it's on purpose or not, but it seems to happen more often than chance.

He also likes big trucks. We stopped to watch the big city snowblower clear a street the other day, with a grader and dumptrucks and a sidewalk plow. I'm not waiting to see if nature or nurture steers it that way :) I was cheering Quinn on as he made his 'interested' sound and pointed. Rebecca wouldn't let me chase them down to the next street :) but the seed is planted I think.

1 comment:

JanM said...

I cannot begin to tell you how many snowbanks we at in to watch the heavy equipment at work.
It is so much fun.