Saturday, April 18, 2009

A good 'ol hootenanay

I was sitting on the kitchen floor with Quinn, amid all his kitchen toys. Bec came in and sat down on the floor too. I grabbed a plastic bowl and started tapping on it. Bec took the eggbeaters and started banging them on a metal pan. Quinn started banging on a metal pan too. Then I found the marinade pump - what a cool toy that is! By blowing across the opening and moving the pump up and down it makes a neat rising and falling sound. It also clicks nicely at both extremeties. We cacaphonied away for awhile, Quinn rocking back and forth in time and occasionally banging on things, to our encouragement. Bec's 'Creative Family' book talks about such family gatherings and refers to them as 'hootenanays'. I think we shall have to make such hootenanays a regular occurence.

After Quinn started to lose interest in hootenanaying, I found the turkey baster fit quite nicely into the inverted marinade pump. With a suspense building countdown, I'd then punch the pump and launch the turkey baster into the waiting hands of mommy, to the great squeals of Quinn. That game lasted quite awhile until we decided we should wind things down with some reading so he wasn't swinging from the chandelier when it was time for bed.

A great night all around really.

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