Friday, April 17, 2009

Solo sliding

Quinn goes down the slide at the park on his own now! He's quite proud of himself when doing so, apparently. I haven't seen it yet but hopefully tomorrow. He also spent some time pushing his wagon around in a circle today at the park - another first. He was splashing at the river's edge (under Bec's constant supervision of course) yesterday. New explorations and capabilities every day - what an exciting age.

I've been quite ill with a flu / cold / chest infection of some sort, including losing my voice for a few days. It doesn't take long to fall out of the loop I tell you - between all my sleeping and my silence, Quinn almost forgot who I was I think. I never realized how much I actually talk to him until I couldn't. I'm now recovered to the point where it'll drag on at 10% because I won't rest enough to finish it off :) At least Quinn remembers who I am now.

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