Saturday, July 18, 2009

Everybody into the pool

Wednesday this week was forecast to be a nice day, and it was. I came home from work early to meet Bec & Quinn at the park. I arrived, battling lateness as always it seems, especially when it comes to leaving work, and they were in the wading pool, Quinn steaming straight through the deepest part as is his wont, Bec madly keeping up behind him. After awhile Quinn came over to see me and got out of the pool.

He stamped around in some puddles for a bit, but then decided he wanted back into the pool. But he wouldn't let Bec take him in. He tugged on my hand. I pleaded unreadiness but to no avail. Nothing would do but daddy had to go in the pool with him. Finally I realized that readiness really didn't matter - I shed my shoes and socks and sacrificed my pants to the water, steaming around behind Quinn in water up to his neck. He had a great 'ol time and so did I, readiness be darned!

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