Saturday, June 21, 2008

Rubber duckies in a row

Quinn's nana and grampy recently rectified the fact that he was lacking any rubber duckies. He seems to really like them - we've used them for the last few baths and he studied them quite intently tonight. Of course, his parents singing the rubber ducky song completes the experience :)

Speaking of ducks in a row, he checked out just fine at his recent 4-month checkup (that took place just short of him being 5-months old, for various reasons). He's 95th percentile for height, weight and head circumference. Because he's clearly not lacking for calories, the doctor suggested we could continue to wait to introduce the solid food that he seems so interested in when adults are eating around him. While he's a big boy (19 lbs, 10oz, 70cm = 28") I wouldn't call him fat by any means. If he were average height but 95th percentile in weight I might be concerned. He got through his first illness while we were in NS - a cold - but currently he's healthy as a horse (how healthy is a horse anyway? I never got that one...don't they shoot horses when they're sick?).

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