Sunday, June 14, 2009

All roads lead to the park

Quinn spends so much time at the nearby park that I refer to it as his office. He's beginning to know the neighbourhood well enough to know when you're not walking towards it and he begins to fuss when he realizes. You have to be somewhat crafty in route planning, deft in direction changing, and creative in ruse-using if that's not the intended destination.

He really loves his park. In what I read about toddlers, repetition is key for them to be able to establish context among a whole world full of unfamiliar things. It gives them an anchor of understanding to build from. He's extended his range to incorporate the entirety of the park, but strangely enough he has not challenged any of the fencelines yet. Yet he's still aware of what roads lead to the park. It's amazing to watch his little mind work.

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