Tuesday, June 9, 2009


It was quarter to five in the afternoon. I had been immersed in my work and looked up and noticed the time. There was a couple other things I could do, but my schedule was in as good a shape as could be expected and it was nice out. And Bec & Quinn were probably at the park. I headed home.

I got to the park and they weren't there, but a cellphone call confirmed they were on their way on the bus from downtown. When they arrived I saw them across the street. Bec caught sight of me and pointed me out to Quinn, who looked up and pointed and smiled. We all played in the park for awhile. Quinn reached up for my hand at times while walking over obstacles. Quinn learned to climb a little, at my encouragement and to Bec's dismay.

I could have worked a little longer and finished a couple of inconsequential things. But coming home seemed more consequential today.

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