Monday, July 14, 2008

A belly sleeper like me

Quinn recently learned to roll onto his belly. Now he loves to sleep on his belly, much to our chagrin (due to the SIDS risk). Even worse, he can't roll back onto his back, so when he wakes up and wants onto his back, he cries until he's rolled back over.

In spite of the vagaries, I have to say I am a little proud he's a belly sleeper. I'm a belly sleeper too, and it somehow makes me a little proud that he is something that I am too. He is just beginning to show some traits, and one of them we have in common. It could be a coincidence - he couldn't learn that from watching me I don't think, and could belly sleeping really be hereditary? But I like to think it's more than coincidence.

Quinn also likes to curl his toes like his mom. I never even knew Rebecca did that until I remarked on how Quinn was doing it one day. May he inherit the best traits from each of us, and come up with a few of his own too.

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