Sunday, July 6, 2008

A sleep-in for mom

Bec's been exhausted lately, so this morning I was able to afford her the luxury of sleeping in, and I got up with Quinn. He was a little dopey this morning - must be from all the stimulation yesterday. He has just fallen asleep again now, in the swing. It's a bit of a strange sensation to be the only one awake in the house in the morning. It happens every evening but somehow it feels so much different in the morning. In the evening, that time is my play time. In the morning though, I feel like I am doing something for the benefit of my wife and child.

Nighttime is my territory; morning isn't. In my morning stupor I forgot to change his diaper first thing. I was suitably reminded by a leak stain on my shorts. Oh well... It will be interesting to see whether Quinn is a nightowl like me or a morning person like Bec. Early indications seem to be the former.

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