Friday, March 7, 2008

Bathing Charlie Brown

Like Charlie Brown kicking the football, every time we give Quinn a bath I hope that this will be the time he doesn't pee. Every time he pees. No matter how prepared I try to be, and no matter what defensive strategies I try to come up with, I still struggle to contain the damage. Oh well - he seems to like bath time at least.

He's advancing by leaps and bounds it seems. He has slept 5 to 7 hours in a single stretch three nights this week and we are starting to establish a pattern almost resembling a bedtime routine. He has fallen asleep on his own a couple of times. He sits in the Bouncy Chair and bats at the dangling toys and seems to be fascinated with them. He sucks on his right hand occasionally. He makes more interesting gurgles and coos. He studies his mom's and dad's face intently. He watches his mobile. And best of all, he pretty consistently responds with smiles when I sing the boo-be-doo-be-doop song to him and bop around with him.

I made it through another week, and while I'm still pretty pooped, I've made to Friday without feeling completely destroyed. I wasn't in peak form today, but right through the end of yesterday I was quite productive at work. It's getting better.

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