Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter at gramma & grampa's

We went out to Gramma & Grampa's today for Easter dinner. Quinn's Aunt Caitlin was there too. It was a great day. Quinn was at his chatty and smiley finest. It was nice for family to see him in a good and interactive mood. They set up the playpen, and bought a Winnie-the-Poo mobile to go in it. Quinn quite enjoyed the mobile but Caitlin was stressed that Grampa was calling the figures by "non-standard" names. She figures endless teasing will ensue if he goes to school calling them Tony instead of Tigger, and Elsie instead of Eyore. I think we've got a few years to straighten it all out :)

Quinn had an inconsolable fit tonight. It lasted, I don't know, maybe an hour or so. Finally I had the idea of giving him some diaper-free time as that has settled him a few times in the past. He immediately peed (into a strategically placed cloth - this dad's learned a few things a long the way :) ) and then like flipping a switch he was all smiles again. Since this isn't the first time this sort of thing has occurred we're concerned that something's wrong. We already have a doctor's appointment for next week and a pediatrician appointment in early April so hopefully we can figure out what's wrong, if anything.

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