Friday, February 1, 2008

First Bath

Quinn had his first bath tonight. No pictures - this is a family blog. We took a video that we'll be sure to show his first girlfriend in years to come though. There was some squalling but that beats squalor. All in all he was pretty good about it.

Today was the first day I felt we were getting enough of a handle on this baby thang such that I could begin to reintegrate with the world again. He, and Bec, can each be left on their own for stretches now. And Quinn puts up with my clumsy handling with a minimum of Fierce Glares such that I can spell Bec off periodically.

Fierce Glares - yes I think we have a Spirited Child. Any Unauthorized Touches result in a Fierce Glare and perhaps an Emphatic Grunt. I think Quinn has the combined impatience of both his parents, which is to say a considerable amount of it. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

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