Sunday, February 3, 2008

More firsts

Quinn had his first stroller trip today. It was to the 7-11, which is a momentous occasion in anyone's life :) It was for Superbowl snacks though, which is a suitably noble first mission. He seemed to be ok with the stroller - which was a relief given that kid-rejection of such an expensive item would have been stressful. There were a few squawks but it might have been hunger (he fed liberally upon returning home) or the ill-fitting snowsuit getting into his face (finding clothes that fit when you're a different size every week is tough). The large-wheeled stroller did pretty well in the poorly plowed sidewalks, which is what we wanted it for. And it's light enough that Bec can get it up and down the stairs.

Hopefully a little fresh air and sunshine will mean sleeps as good as the last two nights. Being a parent is a little like a martial arts fight - constantly getting reset to face the next attack - and rest is a big part of that.

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