Friday, February 8, 2008

38 years old, kissed a girl

There are upsides and downsides to having a first child at age 38. A downside is the generational age difference, both now and when my kid(s) is/are grown. An upside is that I appreciate the magnitude of the current situation much more than I would have when I was younger. I got a call from work asking me to come in at Day 6 and I didn't go in. I might not have reacted the same way 10 years ago. I am completely immersed in new fatherhood and I am enjoying every second of it.

Being almost completely uninitiated in kids up til Quinn was born, I must say it's coming a lot more naturally to me than I ever expected. I'm making lots of mistakes, to be sure, but I'm still in there pitching as much and as best as I can, and feeling pretty good about it - more potential differences from 10 years ago.

(The title is a reference to a Tragically Hip song title)

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